Saturday, May 06, 2006

On the road again

I feel like Willy Nelson I tell you! I just got back from Greenville, SC on Thursday and while checking my work email found out that I had an opportunity to go to Vegas....all expenses paid. The only drawback is they're expecting me to do some work while I'm there.

So Monday afternoon I'll be back on a jet plane, but this time heading West instead of East. I can't believe that within a span of a week I'm going to have been in 3 of the 4 time zones (not as much fun as it sounds, believe me).

I feel so disconnected because I've not been able to read everyone's blog, so I apologize in advance because it will probably be next week before I can catch up....make sure you leave good detailed posts so I don't miss anything!

I've been contemplating taking Billy & Carlos to Vegas....Flo is definitely going because she loves going to her hometown....I just hope that Steve Wynn doesn't try to persuade her to come back to work!

Don't worry this time I'm packing a toothbrush and panties in my carryon becuase I have to change planes in Phoenix!


Andrea Knapp said...

Oh I'm so jealous! But we'll see you soon enough....

Have fun!

Kat said...

I never get to travel! *pout*

Have a good time in Vegas. Oh, and I sent a postcard for the boys the other day. :)

Anonymous said...

Vegas? wow.. that is a lot more exciting now isn't it??!! What do you do Michael, that all these nifty trips keep coming up??

CanadianSwiss said...

Don't worry, we know you're busy. And Vegas??? May I suggest to go see "O" (Cirque du Soleil) at the Bellagio? And if you can meet the main singer, Roxane Potvin, give her my love. She's a very good friend of mine. If not, all of the Cirque du Soleil shows are amazing. So if you have a chance... GO!!!

Michael Lehet said...

CS - I would love to go see O but the show is dark on Mon/Tues and those are the only "nights" that I'll be there and be free : -( Perhaps another time!

Rob7534 said...

All that traveling around! But you live and you learn, especially with the carry on's! You should stock up on some DVD's, so you can watch during the plane trips.