Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm on ANOTHER Podcast!

Can you believe it.....two podcasts within days of each other? I can't believe it either.

A few weeks back I ran into the guys that run the Feast Of Fools which is the #1 GLBT Podcast on iTunes!

We had made plans to go watch the fire spinning and drum beating at the Full Moon Jam at the lakeside last night when Marc called and asked if I'd like to come over early and tape a show with them.

To quote a line from "Into the Woods" And he made me feel excited-Well, excited and scared, needless to say, the prospect of joining these two pros at the mic was a little daunting.

Let's just say they made me feel very comfortable and I'm happy to say I didn't freeze like Cindy Brady when that red light came on.

Check out the podcast HERE

You can also subscribe to Feast of Fools via iTunes HERE and believe me you, they are the #1 GLBT Podcast for a reason!

I also got the chance to finally meet and hang out with another Gay Chicago Blogger - RocketMan Rick. Rick and I have "known" of each other for a while and have actually chatted on the phone, but never had the opportunity to meet and hang out. He joined us for the Full Moon Jam where we snapped lots of pictures and videos!


Anonymous said...

Hey Michael! Thanks for the props! I need to get back to posting on my own blogspace already... oy!!! I had a great time the other night. You set the bar high on FoF - I need to show up prepared for my taping next week or Fausto and Marc are gonna kick my butt! :-) Hehee!

Let's hang again soon!

Anonymous said...

Love feast of fools!!!

Michael Lehet said...

Hey RcktMan - it was great hanging out with you too! Had I realized I set the bar so high, I would have lowered it!

MagentaRaves - Thanks for stopping by, it's a great Podcast!