Monday, October 13, 2008

What Not To Wear - The Premiere

You may recall that a friend of mine - Amanda Steinstein from that amazing podcast "Feast of Fools" was picked earlier this year to be on the TLC program - What Not To Wear.

Well guess's finally time for the show to air.

This Friday at 9:00 PM Eastern (8:00 PM Central - you'll need to figure out the rest on your own) Amanda's show is going to be broadcast, on TLC. So if you don't have cable you'd better get it installed this week or head on over to a friends house to catch it.

Even though I had the chance to be there for some of it firsthand, I'm so excited to see the whole thing put together and see Amanda's transition. If I'm lucky, I might be in the show as well, or at least fleeting glances of me - but I'm gonna claim it was my national TV debut regardless of whether I'm on the show or not...LOL!!!

If you are in Chicago, The Feast of Fools has partnered with Hydrate for a special viewing party from 7PM-9PM so head on down there and watch it with us, I know it will be a blast.

Fausto was told several times that Amanda was "the most challenging" guest and from the preview below you can see that Clinton and Stacy are almost at their last wits - I love it!

WNTW + FOF Commercial: "Amanda" from Clinton Kelly on Vimeo.


Andrea Knapp said...

I *heart* Clinton! and it is already set on my DVR to tape!

Can't wait to see it (and you)!

Xmichra said...

She did look amazing afterwards though. And the hair... omg, she looked at least 15 years younger. Total change.

Anonymous said...

Amanda looked amazing! I don't usually watch the show, or enjoy it when I do. her personality kept me glued to the seat. What an awesome woman... I hope she has men crawling over her now. Gorgeous, spunky, hilarious.