Saturday, June 25, 2005

New Flower Stand

New Flower Stand
Originally uploaded by mlehet.
When I was home my Mom gave me some money. She told me I should buy something I wouldn't typically buy.

I've been wanting to get a flower stand for my back porch because my neighbors moved back to Australia and left a bunch of plants for me.

they were just sitting along the side of our narrow porch so I wanted to get something nice for them.

It is SO HOT HERE today, already 93 probably warmer.

Oh, on my way to get my manicure there was a whole bunch of stuff going on at the Red Line. Cops, traffic shut off, firemen, ambulances, apparently someone jumped in front of the train.

I don't know what happened, but that's what I heard. Channel 2 was there so I'm sure it will on the news.

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