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Michael never knows what to write in these little description areas. Should he say something witty to make people laugh and remember him or does he do something snarky like quoting Hamlet. Well whatever he writes here, it is just only a brief glimpse inside. Make your own choices, you'll stay if you want to.
Dearest Michael,
Thank you so much for bringing this vital matter to our attention!
(I voted the rude answer!)
Arrgggghhhhh! I voted under. I will not be wrong, I tell you!
Mr.Mac, this is what you get when you spend too much time of your life down under.
I voted both ways. I would have said over, and I would have voted specifically for "over with fancy hotel folded points" if given the option. But I've got some silly metal toilet paper roll cover which practically necessitates an under-placed roll. So I think we should go both ways. *Wink.
It's totally over. That way it doesn't touch the wall.
OVER ! Oh, definitely! I mean, it's easier to break the sheets along the segmented line when there is some friction happening between the other pieces. If it were under, you could pull to your hearts content, or you'd have to use two hands.
william john.
I definitely feel that it is over. Is it wrong that I judge people by how many times they wipe? I swear at work there is a guy who does not wipe at all! I myself am of the school of wipe til the paper shows no remnant.
Holy! I am surprised at all the 'over' voters. Don't these people know that it is alwasy always always under? Really.
Over, certainly NOT under!
only OVER. that's the only proper way to hang the toilet paper.
michael-thanks so much for offering to sponsor me in the relay for life. send me your email address (you can put it in the comments of my blog or if you don't want to broadcast it, email it and I'll give you my address so you can mail the check. thanks so much!!
I voted "over" but it took everything out of me. I was so distracted by the exposed part of wall to the right of the paper holder. Please must paint over it.
TSK - When the previous owners moved out (my room-mates brother) they didn't leave any paint - which means we'd have to repaint the entire's not worth it.
Of course over! As it must be... Hugs
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