Sunday, June 21, 2009

An Amsterdam Adventure - FEBO & Fries

Remeber back in April when we went to Amsterdam?

Well I've finally gotten around to looking at the videos - it's made me so sad to look at them because I had such an amazing time.

Not only did I get to meet some fabulous bloggers in real life for the first time - like Antipo, CanadianSwiss and OrangeX, but I also got to spend some more time with Mr. & Mrs. TBF who I've had the great pleasure of meeting many times before!

I also organized a Fan Meetup with fans of the show that my friends Marc & Fausto host - Feast of Fun - They've invited me on their show many times and it was so much fun to meet their fans from Western Europe - there were even guys that drove in from Germany to meet us! It was very cool.

I haven't written much about Amsterdam because I've been afraid that if I tell the stories I have to admit that it's over. I can seriously not express in words what an amazing vacation it was, how it opened my eyes to so many things and seriously has made me take a look at things around me in a completely different way. Just last night I was hanging out with my friends David & Paul, two of the vactioneers, and David said "Well you know, 2 months ago we were just leaving Amsterdam." Our lives will forever be demarcated as "BA-Before Amsterdam" and "AA-After Amsterdam" although for some reason the AA part of it bothers me...LOL!

I took too many hours of video - I guess I figured I was going to have a lot of free time when I got home to actually sit and watch all of it and pick out the choice pieces to share with you....but I finally did get some time and I'm putting videos together as we speak.

One afternoon Andrea and I decided to go for a walk on our own in search of adventure, hookers and food! We found two out of the three.....but which two?

Enjoy this "Andrea & Michael - Amsterdam Adventure"


CanadianSwiss said...

The so called salad cream is "Frittesaus" (French fries sauce). A mix of mayo and probably a bit of extra vinegar and spices. YUM! As fot the satay croquette, I would have prefered the pork or beef one. Much better. Still just as gross to look at, but much tastier ;-)

The Big Finn said...

Cool video!