Friday, January 30, 2009

Guess who's coming to Chicago JUST to see me?

Two Photogs
Originally uploaded by Michael_Lehet
That Ropey Old Bird from Ohio, that's who. She's just spent a month traveling and taking fabulous photos and decided that on her return trip she just had to stop in Chicago and see me, can you just believe it? I'm so lucky!

Actually, she is on her way home from traveling but somehow her return trip got all mucked up and she had a choice of laying over in some po'dunk town called New Orleans or good old freezing cold Chicago....and lucky for me she picked Chicago!

So I'm off to the airport to pick up the lovely Andrea!


Ms Mac said...

Gahh, how lucky are you two?!?

Andrea Knapp said...

and Stella, I looked just as attractive as I did in that picture.

There was also a funky smell going round but I blamed that on NZ!