Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm on the Feast of Fools again!

Those crazy boys Fausto Fernos and Marc Felion, hosts of the wildly popular Feast of Fools invited me over last night last night to chat. If you're not familiar with Feast of Fools then you've got some catching up to do - they are the #1 downloaded GLBT Podcast on iTunes and they have won the 'Best LGBT Podcast' Award for the past 3 years (not an easy feat).

We chatted about all sorts of things - from the Oscar nominations, to Broadway in Chicago and more importantly "What was going on with Aretha Franklin's hat at the inauguration?"

You can check out the show HERE and you can sign up for a daily dose via iTunes.

Seriously though, what was up with Aretha's hat? It even freaked me out!

TODAY is the last day to vote for my Grammy Contest Entry. Help get me in the Top 20, I can't do it without your help. Check out my video and vote over HERE you can vote as many times as you like today, just hit the refresh button. I'll let you know if I make it into the Top 20!

If you're in Chicago and looking for something to do this weekend, check out my weekly Hit List that I publish on Thursdays to give you a chance to plan your weekend - it's true "You've got a busy weekend" ahead.


Unknown said...

haha, love the picture...the hat is well, scary, put on you it kinda works ;)

Ice John's World said...

Nice Aretha's hat!