Friday, April 25, 2008

***HONK*** Hey, watch what ya doin' man, I'm singing here

Last night was Step II in the Four Step Program of getting my continuing education credits in being a big homo.

At the last minute, tickets for the current open run of Jersey Boys made their way into my sweaty little palms and I headed downtown to watch those cute little boys sing for me.

I was supposed to see Jersey Boys last year as part of the Broadway in Chicago Series, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to do so. And up until last evening, there hadn't really been that compelling of a reason to go see it.

Also, I went to the show by myself last night - my sister would have a heart attack if she knew that. Unlike some people, I actually enjoy doing things by myself - going to dinner, to a coffee shop, vacationing alone. When I tell people that they always say "OMG, I would never be able to do xyz alone."

Well think about it this way, you've got one schedule and that's YOUR schedule, you get to do what YOU want to do and only what you want to do. You don't have to trapse through musty museums or used record stores only because your partner wants to (and vice versa). If you want to spend the day sleeping in the park and feeding the pigeons - guess what - you can!

Ok, back on track. So I jumped on the bus and after completly missing my stop and going about 8 blocks out of my way I finally made my way to the theater and grabbed my ticket from the Will Call window. I winnowed my way through all of the old people that were there, bought my magnet (I MUST buy a magnet for every show that I go to) and started climbing the stairs. And climbing the Stairs. And climbing the Stairs. I had almost the best seat in the house - the very last row in the center of the mezzanine (the area sandwiched between the orchestra seating and the balcony - you know - the area where you only get a slice of the view, you don't get to see the floor and you don't get to see the ceiling, it's like watching a live production in Cinema-Scope).

There was a whole lot of drama in my seating area, because apparently I was part of a much larger group (ergo the reason that I got my ticket) and who ever had organized it apparently didn't do a very good job of making sure that parties sat together. The girl sitting next to me kept whining that "OMG, my Mom is sitting all the way over there and the usher won't let her sit over her."

After about 15 minutes of this, I leaned over and said "Is it just your Mother? It is, well you know what, she can sit here and I'll sit in her seat, I really don't care." "OMG, would you do that, you'd do that, omg, that is so cool that you would do that." I then told her, "I don't know any of you people. I've just met the woman sitting next to me who told me that her knit pants were stretching in the rain and that's about the extent of my relationship with anyone here, so yes, I'll be glad to switch with your Mom."

By this point in time I would have sat on the toilet to get away from this girl, so I shoveled up my coat, my program and my newly purchased magnet and went and sat in Mom's seat (which by the way was better than where i was sitting) and proceeded to enjoy the show without anyone sitting on either side of me, in front of me or in back of me, I could have thrown my feet up on the seat in front of me if I wanted to.

Jersey Boys is the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, I was very surprised at the number of songs I actually knew. I think there were only two songs that I wasn't familiar with.

It's a very peppy show with singing and dancing from beginning to end, there were only a few spaces where there was just dialog. Overall, I was very impressed with the show and the amount of energy that they produced. It's no Wicked, that's for sure, but it's a great show overall.

I even caught one of the ushers dancing - he got all embarrassed when he looked at me, but I just smiled (he was cute).

So go see Jersey Boys....or just go see a Boy in Jersey if you have the chance.


Mr. Urs said...

What do you mean with "Magnet"? Is it the object that is surrounded by a magnetic field and that has the property of attracting iron or steel? If yes, what is its relationship to the show? Honestly, I'm a bit confused.

Jelly said...

That's what I was going to ask. I was thinking you mistyped and meant a "magnum" which could mean you either bought booze or a gun, but then you typed "magnet" again. Do you mean a fridge magnet?
Is Wicked your favourite show? If not, which one is? Wicked's coming again to Toronto in 2010. I wonder if I'll be there to see it by then.