Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ain't Technology Great?

I promise I'll post about my vacation, but work has been well.....making me work those bastards!

But I just wanted to share a great tip with you. If you're in the US and you want to send pictures to someone you can do it quickly and easily on the web.

When I got back from vacation, I wanted to send my Mom some pictures so I logged into and uploaded my photos that I was going to print, pick up and then mail to my Mom. At that moment inspiration hit me....if I could pick them up at my local Walgreens, what was stopping me from sending them to Florida where Mom could pick them up herself - thus saving me the cost of mailing and postage!

One of the advantages is that you can send one picture or a hundred pictures and you can pay for them upfront.

Now granted, everyone loves to get something in the mail, but this is even better.

I called my Mom and told her to walk over to her Walgreens approach the photo counter and ask for them....and wouldn't you know it - there they were!

You can do this with a lot of places now - CVS, Target, Wal-Mart because they all offer the ability to upload photos online and then pickup at the store...there's no reason it has to be YOUR local store.

So if anyone wants to send me pictures, choose the Walgreens at 5625 N Ridge, Chicago, IL 60660. I'm also close to Target at 2112 W Peterson, Chicago, IL 60659

Just let me know when you send them so I can go collect them.


Andrea Knapp said...

Ooooh, talking of Target, they are only building a huge one right around the corner from me. (well, a 3-5 minute drive....).

How awesome is that for when you come and visit?

Anonymous said...

People still print photos?