Monday, March 05, 2007

Something New

Something borrowed, something blue, something old and SOMETHING NEW!!!

I got a new camera....of course I got it AFTER vacation so what's the point in that huh?


Ms Mac said...

How very excitement!

CanadianSwiss said...

Ohhhh. New Michael videos to be seen soon???

Mr. Urs said...

Nice, but how does it look like? does it match with your eyes?

Andrea Knapp said...

That is cool! I'm totally loving the "breaking news" music too!

Very Clever!

Jelly said...

You're adorable!

The Sour Kraut said...

Oh Michael! I'm so excited to share this with you. Remember your old post about Comcast DVR where one of your readers called it Ghetto TiVO? I just heard a much better name for it...


Anonymous said...

LOL! Welcome to the 21st Century! My camera does videos too, but I've yet to actually use the function and I've had it over a year now.