Monday, February 28, 2005

The Parents

So you're probably wondering why I would take a week vacation with my parents.

Well the truth of the matter is, my parents are very cool, and a LOT of fun to be with. My parents are "semi-retired" and they live in Florida for 4 months out of the year in a retirement village where they're referred to as "the kids"

My parents are always having beer gatherings, or cookouts, or playing games, honestlly I can't keep up with them.

Last year when I went to Cancun with them I made a movie, sort of a travelogue. I was showing it to some of my friends and they asked me "How'd you get your parents to do all that stuff." At which point I said, "They're not acting, that's how they are!"

I'm looking forward to going this year, unfortunately my sister isn't going to make it, but she's very busy with work, so she'd rather stay home and make money, go figure!

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