Saturday, July 26, 2008

Five little words

I'm sitting at Joy's Noodle House on Broadway near Aldine having a bite to eat. I never get to Boystown for dinner but this evening I had to meet up with a friend and drop off some tickets for the Cub's game that we're going to tomorrow.

Yes you read that correctly, I'm going to a baseball game. I may understand the game, but I can appreciate the men in tight pants running around stuff, I can totally appreciate that.

It's Out At The Ballgame what is Out At The Ballgame? It's Gay Day at Wrigley Field, but none of the straight people know that and they always seem to get upset when the boys start fucking each other in broad daylight...well at least that's what they think we gay boys do, but we don't. We are actually the most polite section there that day.

We politely clap after they show a replay on the television screens and explain what we should be clapping for. We never take a sip out of someone's beer as we pass it down the aisle. We always cover our faces when a foul ball comes our way, thus giving the straight boys more of an opportunity to catch a game ball.

We are inquisitive about the game and without shame ask the person next to us whether that point that was just scored was a goal or a basket, since all sporting events look the same to us.

Personally I find baseball much more exciting on TV than in real life, but to be honest if I'm home alone and there's a game on, I'm sure that I'd be watching PBS instead, so that should tell you a lot.

But I've been going to Out At The Ballgame for 4 years, last year there were almost 40 of us that went as a group and this year we're half that at 20, but we're gonna have a blast. There's nothing better than sitting in Wrigley Field surrounded by your friends drinking PBR, eating nachos and throwing the peanut shells on the ground. There's something about the energy at Wrigley that just excites the place.

I typically have no idea what is going on in that big green patch between here and the other side of the stadium, but apparently a lot of other people do, and that's all that really matters. I go for other reasons. The joy of being surrounded by those you love...and oh yeah, boy watching. I'll spend about 20 minutes in my seat during the entire game, and that includes the National Anthem and the Ceremonial First Pitch, after that it's free game to roam the stadium.

Walking from level to level, watching the game in between sets of heads, leaning against the railing and watching all the boys walk could it be any better than that? I said, I'm sitting in a restaurant in a part of town that I don't typically visit and as the guys sitting at the table next to me are leaving, the one guy leans over and says “Isn't your name Rick?” to which I replied, “No, I'm Michael.”

And then he said something that I thought I would never hear from another person, he said “Don't you have a blog?” He is a friend of my friend Pete of Pete The Blog. And he had found me via his site.....suddenly flashes started going though my head, should I be excited, should I be humble, should I be embarrassed? Oh god, I bet he's showing his dinner partner my Miley Cyrus video saying....that's that butch looking guy we saw at dinner....look how gay he is.......and I hope they're having a big laugh!

So thanks for saying Hi Random Guy at Dinner, you made my day.


Andrea Knapp said...

Remember when we were eating Sushi at that place around the corner from yours and that guy at the next table was all "Excuse me, are you Michael?"

You went all shades of white and then he introduced himself!!!!!!!

It is cool that you get recognised!

PLUS I get the added benefit of being in the company of someone so famous! I mean, crikey Michael, you KNOW Jane Lynch!

and you know, we both go to the ball game for the same reason! :-)

Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure to meet you Michael! My apologies for getting your name wrong. Oh, by the way…my name is Rodney.

I visit three blogs linked from Pete’s and yours is one them. I guess I was a little taken back in meeting a celeberty blogger ;)

I did tell my friend Roland who you are. He being a musician will totally appreciate your clips. ‘Not easy is sync and to record in full take…you artistic efforts are noted.

BTW, you are a handsome gentleman...and enjoy the game.

Pete said...

gross. i can't believe rod is hitting on michael on the comments section of his blog. truly, a new whore-low.

that being said, lakeview is my turf, beyotch...stay north of irving park.

Michael Lehet said...

Andi - Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But that was my str8 neighbor that I invited over to play Wii. And what are you talking about, YOU ARE Andi Leibovitz!

Rodeny - Well hello there! It was a pleasure meeting you, and thanks so much for stopping by, it makes me giggle.

Pete - Uhm...sounds like jealous to me...hmmmm.....LOL!!! So am I only able to work Boystown if I'm with you Pete? Yeah, don't let me catch you at Big Chick's either then....LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Turf wars, Love it ... I didn't know they existed for us (lol) I think we should set up ground rules, and set delineation marks by retail icons, instead of street names. ie. I'll work it from Target store to Whole Foods. Loved the story Michael. You are a celebrity in my book!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed this blog entry, Michael. I mean Baseball, blogging and Fan Crush story all at once. I mean there is even blog territory poaching..sorry Pete :-).

Next thing you know you will have to be dealing with the Paparazzi!

Anonymous said...

I saw you in the Chicago Free Press! I think that was of the gay papers. Looking fabulous as usual!



Michael Lehet said...

Marty Mouse - I didn't think they did either...oooh I want my gang colors to be Orange & White like a orangcicle.

Tasithoughts - Oh no, I don't want to have to deal with the Paps....

Hey Teddy - yeah we were in Free Press for Out At The Ball Game...we had a great time, thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

It was nice to meet you as well. I hope to run into you again soon! Big Chicks? Hmm...(my buddies like to refers to the bar as “The Over-Sized Hen”). Actually, we’ve made tentative plans to on go to $1 burgers next Monday. And yea, it all makes me giggle as well :)

Gross? Really? Now, now, ‘lil Petey, there is nothing wrong with two gentlemen saying hello, right? It’s much better than groping my friends under the table at dinner, when we were dating last summer, don’t ‘cha think? Talk about Gross.
