Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich

I am SO proud to be an Illinois resident today - NOT!!!!!

Due to the bad behavior of our current and former Governor's we have been dubbed "The Most Corrupt State in the Union"

This morning at 6:15am, a mere 3 minutes after my alarm went off, our illustrious Governor Rod Blagojevich was plucked from his Northside Chicago Home and was forced to march in the snowy weather and go directly to jail. He didn't pass Go! and he didn't collect $200, although he did have to post a $4500 bond.

The Attorney General has been tracking Blago by wire taps on people and on his phone. They are saying that the governor "allegedly" used his power as Governor to attempt to "sell" Barack Obama's recently vacated Senate seat. As well as mail and wire fraud and solicitations of money via bribes.

Well, I guess with that said....who wants to slide some money my way....perhaps we could have a few back alley liasons or meet in dark parking lots like Deep Throat.

So aren't you glad that you don't live in Illinois today.


Mr. Urs said...

Since I'm corrupt, I don't really mind. Nevertheless, I'm worried, since I can't find anybody willing to bribe me. It's quite pointless being corrupt under such circumstances.

Ms Mac said...

How shameful. It's a blight against your good name, Michael. Did you vote for this man? Tut tut!

David said...

Maybe we can set him up with with Gov. Ryan in an executive wing of prison.

Ice John's World said...

He should just resign and get out of the public office as soon as possible. Cannot believe that he still goes back to his office and thinks that he can hold on that governer position. Shameless!

Anonymous said...

The only other Chicago thug I can recall is Al Capone. As the wise Panda's have said, "He has brought shame to his ancestors. "

Michael Lehet said...

@Gomad - So you understand my pain then! But we should try anyways don't you think?

Michael Lehet said...

@Ms. Mac - I'm embarrassed to say, yes I did...only because he was running against a clown.

Michael Lehet said...

@David - I think that he and Guv Ryan will make perfect "shower buddies"

Michael Lehet said...

@Ice John - I think it's funny that he goes into the office now...he hardly does. In the summertime I see him jogging almost every day when I leave the office to come home for lunch. I used to "wave" out of respect becuase he was the governor but I would always yell "Why aren't you in Springfield?"

Michael Lehet said...

@Marty - Oh those Pandas are so wise, perhaps one of them should fill his soon to be impeached office! PANDA FOR GOVERNOR!

The Sour Kraut said...

What? No mention of the turtleneck and powder blue track suit? He should've been arrested for that alone!