Monday, December 29, 2008

Why is it that popcorn and licorice smell better than they taste?


Freddyeyes said...

you think? I mean YES omg they both smell amazing and they cause a craving - but I think especially red vines - and very buttery theater popcorn USUALLY live up to their scent temptations!? No?

Xmichra said...

I don;t know, but agree. popcorn i think is because of the "topping" which isn't But don't know what the deal is with licorice.

Michael Lehet said...

@Fred - Movie Theater Popcorn doesn't count because it's so delicious, but microwave popcorn never quite lives up to it's smell.

Michael Lehet said...

@Xmichra - I don't know what it is, they smell so good when you open the bag but they never taste like that!