Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'm almost back

Hello Out There (hears a big echo many times over)

Well, I'm partially back.....not completely but partially. The move happened - all I kept saying to myself was "how did I have all of this crap in a one bedroom apartment?"

The only thing left to "set up" in the house is the office area and the kitchen cupboards. Right now things in the kitchen are slung every which way and it's a big scavenger hunt to find what we need. The Office (which includes my computer) is still in boxes - I may tackle that this evening.

Work has been especially hectic, one of my team mates moved to a different position and I took over about 75% of their responsibility (and still kept my own) so I've been going crazy trying to keep my head above water.

I started with my "seasonal allergies" yesterday on top of it all, if you have them you know how much fun they can be.

I can give you this piece of advice - pseudophede and coffee don't really work that well together, one puts you down and the other hypes you up, I'm sort of tingling all over (which isn't a bad thing - just a little freaky).

I promise things will be back to normal soon and I'll be as snarky as evah!


Kat said...

Congrats on getting moved in one piece. Good luck getting everything in order. :)

Andrea Knapp said...

With pictures I hope!

Of your house, not your sinus-sy stuff...

Can't wait to see it again.....

Your house that is...

*leaves before she says anything more*

Tati said...

Glad to hear you've got most of the move behind you. Take care not to stress out totally at the office ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yay... i am of course cheering for the pictures you had better have up soon..heehee.

Allergies are evil. And don't take those meds with cough syrup... trust me.