Thursday, September 21, 2006

I'm such a neglectful parent

Thank goodness that I'm only raising a blog and not children, otherwise DCFS would be all over my ass!

I apologize for the lack of postings as of late but boy things have gotten so busy.

A few weeks ago we had the distinct pleasure of traveling to NE Ohio and seeing the Knapps and meeting the Wonderful Mac's.....hell after that trip it took me a week to recover!

Work has been so so so busy for a change, we had a person leave our team and I took over most of their responsibility (in addition to keeping my own tasks) so when I get home from work I'm totally drained.

Oh yeah and there was the move that happened at the beginning of the month. I would say that we're 95% in the house, there are only a few things left to do - one of them is to get the office area completed. There's been so many other things to do around the house that when I get home I don't always have the luxury of being able to sit down at the computer and surf like I used to (It's been ages since I've even been on YouTube, if you can believe that.)

I'm actually going home to NE PA this weekend to visit my family. A few months back we got some very bad news about my Uncle - he was diagnosed with Brain and Lung Cancer, he's been undergoing chemo treatments and has a long road ahead of himself. As you may recall, The Boyfriend and I were to travel home to NE PA back in June/July but because of storms we didn't make it, so I decided this weekend I'm going.

I'm going to see my uncle, my parents and my sister and maybe visit The Fair, I promise to take lots of pictures and will post when I get back.

Next month we're hosting Movie Night at the new house and also having our House Warming Party/Halloween Party, so if you're in the Chicago area or going to be in the Chicagoland area let me know and you can stop by and party with us.


Andrea Knapp said...

Oh you know our tickets are booked already don't you?

You don't?

Michael, our tickets are booked. Now, I just need a costume. I'm thinking the Nanny 911 thingy or something....

Xmichra said...

sounds like you have had a really exciting month!! Hopefully things will mellow out a bit so we can get our ounce of Michael out here in blogland... ;)

Michael Lehet said...

Andi - that's perfect we'll need to find you a little "naughty stool" to carry around!

XM - I don't know if I'd call it exciting : -)

The Big Finn said...

Michael -
I will be in Chicago from October 30th until November 8th. When's the party? If I can't make it to the party, maybe we could at least get together for lunch, dinner, coffee, etc.