Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Stories of the Murse

Well we're back from Vegas, I'll give an update later this evening but wanted to share a funny story with you.

Last year when The Boyfriend and I went to London I bought my first Man Purse (or Murse as I like to call it). I always carry my camera with me along with a notepad, my cellphone, etc and I found a nice bag for the purpose.

Well since that time I am now on my FOURTH Murse, I find one I like but then after awhile I am disillusioned with the style (or lack of) and try to find a new one. I can totally see how someone can get addicted to having many different styles of murses, needing one for every occasion.

I found a new Murse a few weeks ago when I was trying to find a "messenger" type bag that I could carry my Camcorder in (my other Murses' were too small). I think it's a nice size (not too big) silver back pack looking bag that's big enough to carry a book, cameras, cell phone, iPod, extra batteries, headphones, pens, change, keys etc.

When we were in Vegas we went to the Stratosphere (which is a big spire) and they checked our bags and made us walk through a medal detector, as I handed my bag to the girl she said, "Wow this is a great purse," as she looked up and saw it came from me she turned beet red!

So on that note, I wanted to share this story with you, as I think this may be my next Murse purchase.

You Light Up My Life

1 comment:

Karen said...

How can you give us this wonderful story and not attach of picture of the murse in question?? Great name btw!