Tuesday, August 07, 2007

We always do it backwards

Millennium Park
Originally uploaded by Michael_L
Oh this poor neglected blog. What have I done to you - or more specifically - what HAVEN'T I done?

Whew, it's been a crazy few weeks here in the Midwest.

Last week at this time I was bidding my family adieu as I dumped them off at the local airport and hoped that their flight wouldn't be cancelled.

No, seriously though - my whole family came for a visit, their first time ever in Chicago and the first time to visit me in the 7 years that I lived here.

Now before you go off - there's good reason. My parents are snowbirds and when I lived in Atlanta they would stop at my house at least twice a year. Unfortunately Chicago is not on the route to Florida and who in their right mind would come to Chicago in the winter. My parents run their own business and Summer is their busy time - but this year my Mom said that they were coming out to celebrate her birthday!

We had 4 super super super full days of excitement - if you've spent any time with me, you know that I love to play Julie McCoy. When I was asked what to bring for their trip, I kept repeating "Comfortable Walking Shoes".

Of course my sister didn't listen to me and instead of bringing trainers (a word I learned from Andrea) she brought these espadrilly shoe things that were uncomfortable for me to look at.

Let's just say that we walked ALL OVER Chicago. Here's just a highlight of what we did:
- Looked at Chicago from atop the Sears Tower Sky Deck
- Walked through numerous "lobbies" of high rises (to cool off)
- Tried to force our way into the Chicago Board of Trade
- Had our pictures taken with $1,000,000 at Federal Reserve Bank (uhm, my sister likes Money)
- Strolled through Millennium Park (where we took this backwards family portrait)
- Walked from one end of The Magnificent Mile to the other
- We saw the inner workings of the Michigan Avenue Draw Bridge
- Went to a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert at Ravinia and sat on the grass
- Played 31 at Ravinia
- Continously got "shushed" at Ravinia
- Saw the worlds largest herd of privately owned Lipizzan Horses
- Drove out to the burbs
- Ate a 25 pound lasagna
- Saw people spinning fire in honor of the full moon
- Saw people beating on drums
- Went shopping at Target and Sam's Club
- Played LCR
- Played Chicken Foot and Mexican Train

We had a FABULOUS time and the weather was perfect unlike this week where it's hot, humid and humiliating to go out of doors!

You can take a look at all of our photos HERE


The Big Finn said...

I lived in Chicago for 37 years, and there are ten items on your list that I've never done.


Michael Lehet said...

TBF - Why is it we never do "touristy" things in our own city?

People always think I'm a tourist!

The Sour Kraut said...

Is 31 the game where you knock before going out? I LOVE that game!! Forgot all about it. Please refresh my memory.

What's Chicken Foot and Mexican Train? Micheal, I swear, I have to hang with you!

Michael Lehet said...

TSK - Yes 31 is the game where you have 3 cards and 3 "tokens" You want to get your cards all in the same suit and as close to 31 as possible. When you think you're high you knock and then it goes around one more time.

Mexican Train & Chicken Foot are domino games. is what Chicken Foot looks like. It's a great game.

Rob7534 said...

Wait... where can I get a 25lb Lasagna! I gotta have that.