Friday, November 02, 2007

What's your favorite Halloween Costume

Famous People on Parade
Originally uploaded by Michael_L
Personally, I most enjoy people who took time to come up with their costumes for Halloween.

Anyone can go to a store and buy a costume or jump into the thrift store and buy a big dress and go in drag, but I'm most impressed with people who actually put thought into their costumes.

We went to the North Halsted Halloween Parade this past week, it was wild, outlandish and "I wanna push your Momma down in the mud" crazy! There were people everywhere.

The stars were out in full force, there were the Mario Brothers (who, coincidentally enough, had been playing with earlier in the evening on my Wii), there was Madonna and George Michael, there was Kelly (Give me those shoes Beetch) and my most favorite was the three girls dressed up as different Britney's: Oops I did it again Britney; I'm prego Brit; and Currently Fat Brit, they were fabulous.

The one thing that really annoyed me were the people that took time to think of their costume but didn't go the extra mile to actually "be that character." One guy who was the spitting image for Wolverine just stood there, and several people when I called their Character's name looked around to see who I was talking to?!? i guess they only thought of the costume and not the full package.

My favorite costumes are those that have the very odd or very outlandish connection, such as these lovely ladies from Grey Gardens! Don't know Grey Garden's go google it...I'll wait. Or the Joan Cusack (thank you TMS, TBF and 5of9) character from 16 Candles.

What's your favorite Halloween Costume?


Adam said...

I totally agree about becoming your costume. There was a guy in a fantastic Edward Scissorhands costume at the block party here in Dallas and he was playing the character as well. It made a tremendous difference.

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of Grey Gardens, now I've seen this I'm going to have to down... eeerrrr .. buy it from somewhere, it sounds like fun

The Big Finn said...

I'm trying to talk Mrs. TBF into dressing up like a Japanese schoolgirl, but I'm not sure what she'll wear for Halloween.

The Sour Kraut said...

I love the three Britney's but Geek Girl #1 gets my vote.

BTW, Peter Pan and Elton John (?) are totally hot!

Sharlene said...

Metallic copper fairy costume is my favorite!! I wore it on last year Halloween party!!