Wednesday, January 09, 2008

My pussy wants to eat me

El Gato Furizales has been enjoying his new home. He's no longer skinny (in fact he's pretty heft right now) and he's spending most of his days sleeping on my roommates bed.

When we first brought EGF home he slept with me every night, but then a month later he started sleeping with the roommate - that traitor!

And now he wants to eat me. Well, let me back up a little bit. Last year I rearranged the "computer area" and created a desk out of some construction horses and an interior door. So I've got a HUGE desk, with lots of space and everything I need. The one joy in life that EGF has is jumping on the desk while I'm on the computer and stretching out to his fullest length and torture me.

He loves to lay his head on the keyboard and persistently press the enter key so it's impossible to type anything. His other favorite thing is to rest his head on my hand while I'm holding the mouse, which means that I can only move the mouse a little bit and can't really type because if I move my hand he won't have anyplace to rest his head.....little bastard.

But recently he's taken on a new way to torment me. While he's laying on the desk and I'm petting him, he has recently gotten into nipping at me while I'm doing that. Not hard biting, but little nips, I've been trying to stop him from doing it by tapping him on the nose quickly, but he still likes to do it.

So I started reading up on the internet to see what I could do to stop him and to figure out why he was doing it. Most of the sites said that I should let him nip me because he's not doing it out of anger but because I'm petting him, it seems like grooming to him and he's just showing his appreciation. And truthfully he doesn't bite hard and he has never broken the skin, but it's irksome.

So I figured I'd follow the experts and let EGF continue with his little nipping, figuring that he would eventually grow out of it. So as he would nip at me, I would stick my finger straight out so the only way he could bite me was if my finger was stuck down his throat - who knew a cat didn't have a gag reflex. That's all well and good until he moves his head to the side and tries to chew my finger with his molars.

That's when I realized that my cat isn't being friendly back, the fucker wants to eat me!

So I've got a new nickname for EGF, he can also now be known as "Meowzebub" that little devil


Ms Mac said...

I just wanted to remind you that I am boycotting all pussy posts.

Michael Lehet said...

Ms. Mac - Thank you for that reminder! I appreciate it.

Andrea Knapp said...

"Who knew a cat didn't have a gag reflex" is going in my book!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you should look at this as a cute thing. It's kitty-bonding!

CanadianSwiss said...

Awww. He loves you! That's probably why he started using his molars. When Dale does that, I just scream: "ouch, that hurts". Then he looks at me as if saying: "Oops. Sorry, got carried away :)"

And you don't want to try the "finger in the throat" trick too often. (Most) Cats DO have a gag refex. I'm sure you wouldn't like his breakfast all over your keyboard. Yuck!

The Sour Kraut said...

Scout loves to rest her head across my keyboard too. I have to admit, I think it's cute.

What if you quit petting him? Does he stop nipping?

Love the name Meowzebub.