Thursday, September 18, 2008

If Sarah Palin were your Momma, what would your name be?

Oh that crazy Sarah Palin, she's got some funky names for her babies, don't she?

That man of hers is might cute though, and I'll admit that she's not an unattractive woman - even if she is a Republican.

So there's this great Name Generator over HERE where you can find out what your name would be if Palin were yo' Momma.

I would be: Axe Diesel Palin

That's pretty hot isn't it?

Oh yeah, here's a picture of Todd Palin, he could be my baby Daddy...woof! - even if he is a republican, I wonder if he has met Senator Craig yet?


Rob7534 said...

I'm rather proud to announce that I would have been "Fire Patriot Palin" if I were born from her uterus, but luckily, I wasn't!

Still, I rather like the name "Fire" hmm...

Andrea Knapp said...

Unfortunately, my birth name would be "Foot Chassis Palin".


About that...........

Mr. Urs said...

I'm "Mustache Warthog Palin". I'm so grateful I was not one of those numerous breads in her oven.

Nice to see StevieB said...

I'm Thump Hummer Palin. Just call me Thumper or THP. Religious fanatics are odd aren’t they?

The Mutant said...

Yeah, mine sucked so I won't bother repeating it, I guess that's what you get for having a shit name in the first place. Sigh. I wish Sarah Palin were my birth Momma though, hopefully as a foetus I'd have had enough sense to kick the hell out of here in utero then on the way out I'd have taken great delight in stretching her cunt, but hell I think that about everyone I meet, not just her.

Jelly said...

Howdy! I'm Roller Texas Palin! Yeeee haw!

The Big Finn said...

Greetings from Mounty Bat Palin - Sarah's son in Switzerland. My mom's a MILF, isn't she? Wait a second...that's a little sick, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Hey ‘ya all, im Wrangler Tractor Palin, so I best be gettin’ in my overalls and start my tractor cuz those fields ant going to plow themselves