Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Condiment Museum

No, not a condom museum a Condiment Museum


Katya Coldheart said...

you are full of useless info yet you don't know who jimmy buffett is, even i the metallica loving freak knows who he


clew said...

COOL! But, I don't see White Castle OR Krystal Burger! Did I miss 'em? WTF kind of museum is this?!?!

Ms Mac said...

Ooooh, I love condiments. Much more than condoms!

I still have no clue about this Jimmy Buffett person but I think he has something to do with Hawaiian Shirts.

Also, I can't believe you don't know BoneyM!

Michael Lehet said...

Oh my I've been called out twice in one post : -)

Katya you are correct, my head is FILLED with useless information.

Ms. Mac - Maybe I've heard them before but never knew who they were, but I doubt it.

Kirk said...

There's a real-live Mustard Museum in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, but we've never stopped by when visiting Gretchen's family because I don't particularly like mustard...