Saturday, February 04, 2006

Friday night in the Suburbs

All I can say now is we went HERE and HERE last night, and do I have stories for you. But unfortunately I'm getting ready to go HERE for some of THIS to start celebrating THIS which happens on Monday.

I promise to take lots of pictures and I'll have more than enough stories to share.

Here's one picture we took last evening:


Kat said...

Have fun! Or, I guess that would be have more fun!

The Big Finn said...

Back in the days when I worked, Elk Grove Village was part of my sales territory and I used to drive by Hunter's all the time.
Ahhhh, memories!

Rob7534 said...

I haven't been to Hunters since Dec '03! I wonder if the place has changed. Since I live in the burbs, it's the only place you can go without having to travel to the city.