Thursday, August 21, 2008

Excuse me waiter - there's a Tapeworm in my fish

How would you like that inside of you? Well that's exactly what a Chicago man is claiming was inside him...

Apparently a guy ate a Salmon Salad at a restaurant here in Chicago in 2006 and it grew into a 9 foot long tapeworm.

Two years after the event, the guy is now suing the restaurant (Shaw's Crab House in case you were wondering) and it's parent company (Lettuce Entertain You) for $100,000 claiming that it was their fish was infected with the tapeworm.

So who wants to go to lunch?


Andrea Knapp said...


Didn't I get you a Gift Card for "Lettuce Entertain You" once?


lady jicky said...

They always said the Opera singer , Maria Callas swallowd a tapeworm to dump the weight.
So - was he slim????? LOL

The Big Finn said...

Lettuce Entertain You should charge him for the diet. How much are Weight Watcher's meetings - something like $10/week?

Pete said...

seriously..i had a tapeworm once and it was the best diet EVER. it's up there with mono and depression....file this case under "bitch, please"

Michael Lehet said...

Andi - Yes you did, and it was delicious...unfortunately I didn't get a tape worm because I'm still as big as I ever was!

Lady - Thanks so much for stopping by!!!!! I never heard that about her...gotta google!

TBF - I think you're onto something.

Pete - Geez, you got all the cool illness, all I ever got was anal warts! i want something cool like a tapeworm now!!!!! (uhm, the whole warts thing is a joke - seriously I'll prove it to you sometime)

Pete said...

i'd love for you verify the status of your anal region for me sometime, michael. let's work on that.

Andrea Knapp said...

Anal warts and meeting up aside - Pete, "file this case under "bitch, please" " is one of the funniest things I've heard in like, AGES!

Karen said...

How the heck would he be able to trace a two-year old tapeworm back to its origin??

Michael Lehet said...

Pete - Ok, remind me next time you see me.

Karen - I don't know - good detective work?