Friday, August 15, 2008

Exercising Hurts!

Who knew?

Well I guess I did know, but I just didn't want to believe it.

Remember a few weeks ago when that horrid Wii Fit told me I was fat and old....well apparently since I hadn't been over to my friends house to exercise recently, the damn Wii Fit was asking about my well being!

Well I think it was more trying to antagonize me by making David call me up and say "The Wii Fit is asking if I've seen you lately because you haven't been exercising." DAMN WII FIT!

So David and I made a committment that we would start exercising on a regular basis, we already do a great job of going on walks, but we wanted to actually use the Wii Fit to exercise.

This week was the beginning of it...and all I can say is "damn, I had no idea there were so many muscles in my body I wasn't using." The Wii Fit is actually a very cool piece of equipment, we've done Yoga (who knew stretching could hurt like that) and weight training (my legs are killing me from doing lunges - I guess no boy chasing this weekend for me) and I'm still shit at doing the Hula Hoop (My hips go in an oval and not a circle).

Oh yeah, and when I stepped on the board (after being home to visit family and doing nothing but eating carnival food) the Wii Fit almost did everything except scream at me for putting on 2 pounds, it even had the gall to make me choose from a list of items the REASON why I was getting fatter. Too many snacks? Eating too much? Not exercising? Eating too fast?

I chose the "Eating too fast?" option at which point the damnable machine gave me tips on eating slower......ah the gall!

But, I feel good, I don't feel lighter and my legs hurt (and for once it's not from having them up around my shoulders)...I think we're gonna beat this exercise thing, one way or another.


Andrea Knapp said...

"But, I feel good, I don't feel lighter and my legs hurt (and for once it's not from having them up around my shoulders)...I think we're gonna beat this exercise thing, one way or another. " is going to be the new header on my blog!

The Wii Fit is an awesome thing! I was knackered after trying it out in England.......

I'd love to get one here but, fancy that, they are nigh on impossible to purchase!

The Big Finn said...


Muscle weighs more than fat!

Maybe you just put on 2 lbs. of muscle?

Anonymous said...

Nintendo should send you one for free because all this talk about them is seriously making me want to buy one. I suddenly got this urge to start looking for one (because I keep saying that I'm going to join the Y but haven't)...then I read my horoscope and it said that I shouldn't make any large purchases! WTF! We're so gonna get one though.

But how do you guys do it together? Do you take turns or somethin? Tell us more...And if you happen to stumble across two, sell me one!! :) (just not today)

Michael Lehet said...

Andi - Just give me the trademark!

TBF - I like the way you think my man!

Farrin - Yeah we take turns, surprisingly it doesn't let you exercise with a partner..and if I find some I'll be sure to let you know!

David said...

Maybe the Wii Fit is for a little S&M play - some people like the harsh instructions.