Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Why is it?

That when you wake up and go to the bathroom to pee at 4:00 am you can never get back to sleep......but when you wake up with the alarm clock and hit the snooze button you're dead asleep by the time it goes off again!

I used to play the old alarm clock game, you know set it early so you can get a couple of snoozes in before you really have to get up....but then I figured, all I was really doing was pissing myself off...even before I got out of bed. So a few months ago, I decided that I would set the alarm to give me one snooze, after that I HAD to get up otherwise be late for work (and one thing about me - I'm NEVER late).

So now my alarm goes off at 6:21 and I get one 9 minute snooze before I hurl myself out of bed and into the shower.

My real question though is.....who in the hell ever decided that 9 minutes was the correct "snooze" time? Why not 10 minutes or even 6 minutes...why 9?

What's the snooze duration on your alarm clock?


CanadianSwiss said...

I think mine is 8 minutes. You know what? I've wondered that a couple of times, too!

Ms Mac said...

I have an 8 minute snooze button. The alarm goes off at 6am but we snooze until 6:08am.

There must be some kind of reasoning about this on t'internet somewhere!

Oh and I woke up at 5:30am today with my stupid crappy bladder and COULDN'T get back to sleep again!

Andrea Knapp said...

George sleeps through 5 snoozes! 5!!!! and with me at the side of him, I wake up on the first one and get pissed off at EVERY snooze alarm after that!

and he wonders why I'm crabby on a morning.......

Anonymous said...

mine is nine minutes too.. and i have no idea why. I do the random setting of the clock so that i have no idea what time it really is, and have to get up. heh. However i get used to the randomness and hit snooze a few times (uh, five or six) until a black out or something makes me randomize my time again. I am neurotic though, but I am never late :)

Michael Lehet said...

So two 8's and two 9's so far.

XM - that's funny because I used to set all of my clocks fast by 22 minutes....my logic was if I had to do Math to figure out what time it was it would wake me up....it didn't i just learned to do math really quickly without waking up!

Kat said...

I actually use my old cell phone for an alarm clock because my regular clock fizzled out and the old phone was there already. It has different alarms for weekdays and weekends. The snooze is only 5 minutes. I hate it. Luckily it has this handy little "quick alarm" and with the simple pressing of a couple of buttons I can snooze ten more minutes. :)

Rob7534 said...

mine is 10 exactly!

Karen said...

Don't mention the snooze!! I have a hate-hate relationship with mine -- this morning it went of nine (yes, NINE) times before I got up. I recently tried your strategy. Set it later and Just Get Up. It didn't work and I was even later for work. So now I have set it fifteen minutes earlier. Gosh, I am pathetic!!

As for your actual question, my clock radio in Canada had a nine minute snooze, whereas here I use my cell phone which has a five minute snooze. Still, I manage to fall asleep again each time it goes off. I think that my optimal day would start at 10am!!

End of speech....

Mrs. TBF said...

Mine is 8 minutes...and I must admit that I'm a major snoozer. Sometimes I hit the snooze 5 or 6 times. TBF doesn't understand why and I guess it's just habit. I admire your discipline.