Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm obsessed - A Contest

With this Target Commercial:

Well I'm obsessed with the song, it haunts me in my sleep. It's playing all the time and I LOVE IT. I don't know what it is about the song but it just stays with me all of the time. I've been trying to figure out what the song is for ages...with no luck. Well I just found out!!!!!

Here's where the contest part comes in.....the first person to guess, without cheating (i.e. going to google - anyone can do that (I'm the perfect example))

WINS a prize

Honest...if You're Honest, I'll be Honest.

So to win the contest submit in the comments:

Name of the Song/Name of the Artist

Good Luck!!!!


Anonymous said...

Michael, I know what it is because I have the album. If no one else guesses, can I?

Michael Lehet said...

Ms. Mac, You Amaze Me! Even without answering the question I think you'll win a prize.....

Anyone else know?

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be flown away by any supernature golden frapp, I want to fly home to my boyfriend!

Xmichra said...

I do know what the song is. But i don't want to ruin it for those playing. It's the golden rule nudge nudge.. hehe..But if you HAVE the song, you better send it my way.. hehe!!!

Andrea Knapp said...

I'm totally LOVING those glasses they chink at the end....

and guess what? I'm off to Tarjay tomorrow (carpet cleaning supplies) and I may just end up with a couple of them in me trolley!