For example on my 43 Things page I have that I want to Skydive and there are almost 6000 other people who want to do the same thing. You can use the site either as a compass to see if you're going the road alone or to build up a support group to help you complete your goals.
In this rag tag world, it's sort of a nice twist on the wild crazy life that we all lead. So this evening I was clicking through 43 Things, basically that's al you do, just look at someone's list and click onto the next list and the next list.
Each item on your list starts with the words "I Want To....." to give you that motivation that you're not doing it alone and that it's something that you want to do. So you read everyone's as my mother would call them "Iawanna Lists" when I came across "I Want to:
One of the interesting things on 43 Things is that it sort of suggests things that you might be interested in doing, very much like on Amazon when it says "You looked at this saw you might be interested in this book "Saws for Dummies or How not to cut off your hands"
So a little bit further down the page it shares this information about people who have the same thing on their list:
Then just a bit further down the page was this little helper:
Of course they're making more money, it's Rent Week and Pedicure Weekend.
But People have suggested that "fuck more" is really the same as Starting a Vacation Fund? What does that mean? I don't understand that?
The BEST PART OF THE WHOLE THING was the button at the top of the page:
You only get to choose one.
Too bad their f*cking create account page doesn't work! No matter how many times I enter the confirmation letters it tells me it's not right. I finally gave up and sent them a nasty email.
Must have been 19 pre-teen boys.
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