Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm home safe and sound!

Chicago Botanical Garden 058
Originally uploaded by Michael_L.

Ok, I know you've been worrying about me all day, but I'm home safe and sound. A meeting with another blogger.....uhm....err....I mean Flickrer (that just doesn't sound right) went off without a hitch!

I've met my share of Bloggers, in fact I'm getting pretty good at it now, but it's an entirely different thing meeting a Flickrer in person, there's just so much pressure!

A few weeks back a local Meetup Group organized a trip to the Botanical Gardens so I sent the email to a friend of mine who is interested in Photography and a guy from Flickr that lives in the neighborhood who I've emailed with before about organizing photo outing figuring this would be the perfect outing.

Unfortunately due to scheduling on everyone's part we didn't go then so earlier this week I emailed the guys and asked who wanted to go. It ended up that my friend couldn't go, but my new Flickr friend did.

So I picked him up at 8:00 am and we spent the morning walking around the Chicago Botanical Gardens taking pictures of flowers, rocks, statues and penises like these. We laughed and joked and he showed me how to use my camera, we had a blast of a time and it made me realize that Flickr Folk are just like Blogger Folk, only they speak in pictures and we speak in words.

So go out and meet your Flickr friends, it's ok, they're not as bad as we thought they were.

We had such a good time we promised we'd have to get together again soon to take more pictures.

You can check out my pictures HERE and you can check out his HERE

Oh yeah, I forgot. He lives in a complex where my friend Alex used to live and he knows him...and the other guy that was supposed to go with us is Alex's current boyfriend, how funny would that have been? And he used to live in the building I live in now (not the same unit) back when this was a scary crack neighborhood.


Andrea Knapp said...

So I can call off the search and rescue teams now?

God Michael, keep in touch next time :)

CanadianSwiss said...

The picts are awsome, Michael! You have a real talent and it's so much more fun if you can share your photo experiences with someone.

Michael Lehet said...

Andi - You know I'm a girl that likes adventure!

CS - Thank you. It is a whole lot more fun to share that with someone else!

Mr. Urs said...

This picture is quite naughty.

Michael Lehet said...

Gomad - Do you think so? I mean they're just cacti.......aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Great pix! But hey...didn't you promise me some shots of Harbor Point Tower a long time ago? :)

Michael Lehet said...

Alexander - You're absolutely correct, I will put it on my list and get one next time I'm downtown!