Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pussy Hunting

No, not hunting for that kind, what kind of boy do you think I am?

The Roommate has a dog, a Shiba Inu to be exact, and he can be a handful. For the first year that we lived together The Dog hardly paid any attention to me - which was fine by me.

But over the last few months he's suddenly decided to take an interest in me, so much so that when I come home from work he's all over me, but as soon as The Roommate gets home - I'm lost and forgotten like the boy you met last Saturday Night.

We've talked about getting The Dog a companion because he does have to spend most of the day on his own, and figure it will give him someone to "play" this weekend I think we're going to go hunting for a Kitty - yes THAT kind of pussy!

I've had cats before and I like cats (more than I like dogs) I just hope that we can find a nice one that gets along with dogs.

Plus I can't wait to go to work and when asked the question "What did you do last night?" I can honestly reply with "Oh, I sat at home stroking my pussy."


Andrea Knapp said...

Personally I think Stoli will HATE that idea!

I just can't see him with a cat.

Or you guys for that matter.......

Get another dog! :)

Michael Lehet said...

Stoli has actually lived with a cat before and they got along FAMOUSLY!

Wait until you see the video of this dog harrassing me, another dog won't do!

The Sour Kraut said...

Your co-worker comment will sound strikingly similar to an email exchange The Swede had with a female co-worker. She was telling him all about getting her kitty shaved. Naïve Swede thought she didn't mean the double entendre. We still debate it feverishly.