Friday, April 22, 2005

It's a small world (and not the Disney kind either)

Well the boyfriend and I are off to Atlanta this weekend. I lived there from '93 to '00 and had a great time, but I've only been back a few times since I left.

A friend of mine is turning 40 and he's having a big party, but that's only part of the reason that we're going.

My boyfriend has been involved with Color Guard (rifle tossing, sabre tossing, it's hard to explain check out the link.) since he's been like 15 years old. It's a big part of his life and it's pretty exciting, I mean up until I met him a year ago I had no idea this counter-culture existed. But I'm getting off the point.

Ok, the boyfriend has been involved in Color Guard for many years, about 6 months ago my friend J from Atlanta sent me some pictures from their Halloween Party (that's a whole other story) and I was showing them to the boyfriend. In one of the pictures someone is "tossing" a rifle, and he asks me who that is, I have no idea. So I do some research and find out that my friend J has been in Color Guard for a long time as well, so he sends me a link to their website, etc., which I share with the boyfriend.

As we're looking at the website, we find a page that has the directors etc and the boyfriend says, "oh I know him" and I'm like really? That's MY friend?!?

Well come to find out, in the summer of 1987 they were on the same Color Guard Corps in Madison, WI and they were best of friends.....but they lost contact with each other.

I just find it so striking that we are both friends with J, but at different times in our lives and at completely different places...but somehow the two of us ended up together and a friendship has been rekindled!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love stories like this. Along the same lines - I met my boyfriend during my junior year of college. We later discovered that he had written a little game back in 12th grade and uploaded it to a website, and I had been one of < 3000 people who downloaded it. I remember showing the game to my friends. The world can be so small sometimes!