Friday, April 01, 2005

An Almost Perfect Evening

Last night went downtown to the Sofitel Hotel (it reminds me of that Expedia Commercial where the kids think about sending their parents to the “hi-tech” hotel), for a Johnnie Walker Black Label tasting.

30 minutes of open bar (but of course all they had was JW-Black), so got 3 cocktails in that amount of time. After the open bar, we all piled into one of the conference rooms and had a JW-Black Sampling/Tasting. The girl that ran the program was a bit annoying, she kept trying to use a Scottish accent but couldn’t keep it up. Hell I do a better accent than she ‘attempted’ to do, but hey it was free.

Did learn a lot about Scotch though, so it was educational, and again it was free. So after we were looped up on our fee cocktails and our tasting samples, we went home to get a much needed bite to eat. Ordered a pizza and decided to watch a movie. A new set of Netflix movies had arrived.

Included in the new movies was Auto Focus, the story of Bob Crane (Hogan’s Heroes) and how he got involved in making porn, etc, let’s just say there was an AWFUL lot of female nudity involved.
Let’s just say that if we had been straight boys it would have been a wonderful evening, free Scotch, and boobies all over the TV. The only thing missing was a big Cuban cigar!

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