Wednesday, May 02, 2007

What's in your Backyard?


The Sour Kraut said...

WTF? You have a dog??? How could I not have known that? It's like we've only met once or something.

(by the way, that's what the frick)

Michael Lehet said...

TSK - It's not's the roomies.

CanadianSwiss said...

We just had our neighbour's dog in our back yard (a cross between a boxer and something else) and Dale (our cat)just chased him away. Couldn't believe my eyes.

Jelly said...

None of those things in your backyard are in my backyard. In fact, I don't even have a backyard in my backyard.

Actually, come to think of it, I might have the sound of chirping birds outside the back of my apartment, but very rarely sirens.

Your tree is pretty!

Andrea Knapp said...

I heart stoli.....

The Sour Kraut said...

But he lives with you so I think you have a dog.

Is his name Stoli? My good friend's dog is named Stoli. It's a family tradition to name the dogs after liquor.

Michael Lehet said...

CS - I love it when cats chase dogs!

Jelly - This is the first time in 5 years that I've had a back yard. I used to live on a third floor walk-up.

It does get a little noisy here : -(

TSK - Yes we co-habitate. I don't think his name was a tradition, I think it was because my friends kept asking for more stoli and the dog just caught on.