Wednesday, June 21, 2006

We're all going to hell

I don't know why all the 'ligion all of a sudden, but check out this article.

Apparently a lot of people are thinking about going to hell.

Don't worry I'll be there with the Martini Pitcher but it will be the cheap vodka becuase we really know that's what hell is all about! No Absolut or Belvedere, damn it!


Mr. Urs said...

Life is so much easier if you know that your shovel is already waiting for you.

Ms Mac said...

But I always thought the path to hell was paved with shards of glass from broken Absolut bottles. That's why I drink so much of the stuff, to donate the empty bottles to the cause!

CanadianSwiss said...

Shall I bring the cheap bubbly?

Michael Lehet said...

I'm so glad to see that all of my friends will be there....we're gonna have so much fun......oh wait, that's wrong isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Well 'wrong' doens't really apply if ther eis a party involved does it? hehe..

Meet you there, I will spring for coat check ;)