Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Reunion for Some

Last night the Chicago Spirit Brigade had their annual fund raiser at one of the bars in "Boystown"

We don't go down to Boystown as much as we used to, just because it's so darn far from where we live. So we got all spiffied up and hopped into a cab to whisk us away to the Gay Mecca!

The CSB Fund Raiser is a lot of fun and there's typically a lot of ROTC Girls that I know. Tickets were only $15 and it was open bar for 2 hours, I can drink $15 worth of booze in two hours! We planned on getting there right before 8 but ended up getting there about 8:30, so we had some catching up to do.

As I was standing at the bar, I look across and see this guy that looks familiar....not familiar in the "did I sleep with you" way but more like....I've seen him somewhere before....and then I realized who it was a fellow blogger. I got excited because I figured I had my first official sighting of a blogger in the wild! So I grab my cocktail and push my way to the other side of the bar and walk up to the guy and say "Do you have a blog?" He looks at me and says "A What?"

Oh shit, it wasn't who I thought it was.....thank god I wasn't trying to pick the guy up, how lame would that be for a pickup line? So I explain myself away saying "Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else...blah blah blah....ok, I gotta go now." I slink back to my friends and they ask me what happened, so being the fool that I am......I told them...and they officially said that "You are the craziest person I know."

Since my outing adventure didn't go so well, I decided to drown my sorrows in some booze. Fortunately I was at an open bar event standing right next to the bar! As I was waiting for the bartender this guy comes running up to this girl and says "You don't know me, but I think I know your name Leslie? I know everything that's going on with you."

There it was......a blogger sighting in the wild!

1 comment:

The Big Finn said...

Michael - If you want, the next time I come to Chicago, we can just pre-arrange to meet someplace but pretend like we don't know each other. Then, you can walk up to me and do the whole " you have a blog?" thing.
It'll be kind of like couples who like to go to bars posing as strangers so they can pretend to pick each other up.