Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Show and Tell

We had a meeting at work today, a big meeting with our Marketing Group (actually we’re an offshoot of the Marketing Group so they decided to invite us).  The meeting was to brainstorm how we could make our internet presence better.  To give a better customer experience, so they wanted us to share our favorite websites and explain why we liked them.

We met in “the big room” which is this warehousey kind of room, exposed brick walls, exposed ceilings, you know – lofty.  I made the mistake of walking in the room with my boss and we found seats off to the side and the back……then the question was asked: “Did you bring a website to share?”  Uh oh…we were supposed to bring something to share, I thought that I would just be able to chime in with my opinions, I had to think of something quick!

People started lining up and sharing their websites…..Netflix…..Peapod…..REI, fairly pedestrian.  After each person finishes the audience starts asking questions – why do you like that?  Do you get this?  Do you get emails?  All the time my boss and I are making little asides to each other sort of joking, I was getting anxious because I knew it was going to be my turn pretty soon…..what website did I really enjoy?  What website made me come back again and again?  What website had a great interface that made me want to buy their products?  Oh I had the perfect site.

My boss goes and talks about Lands End, a few questions are asked and suddenly it’s my turn.  I proceed to the front of the room where the computer and the projector are sitting on a table, I pull up the chair and start entering the web address, I was so glad that my back was to the audience, because I was nervous at not being prepared.  I drew a breath and pressed enter.

Suddenly all the nervousness that I had bottled up was gone, I was flying through the website, showing off its features.  Explaining how it has this great reference engine showing you similar products to the one you’re looking at, very much like Amazon.  I was showing them how easy it was to look up movies, you can do it by title or actor or situation, I was killing it!  I was whipping through the products one after the other, explaining all of the different sections of the site.  The best part I explained that every time you place an order you get something free – I mean how great is that!  I finished up my “show” and turned around to start taking the questions I knew would be flowing in.

When I spun the chair around, I was faced with blank stares, a few people had their mouths hanging down and a few of the women were staring at their laps.  Oh no, what was wrong.  So I asked if anyone had any questions…..everyone was silent……so like an auctioneer I asked again…..and finally a third time….no response, so I got up and walked back to my seat.

When I arrived at my chair and sat down my boss looked me in the eyes and said “Uhm, I think we need to have a talk after the meeting.”  Oh this was just the break I was looking for, I knew she had seen my hidden potential and wanted to compliment me on my skills as a presenter, now I was excited.

Unfortunately the meeting ran long and when we left my boss told me that she had to run and get the train but she wanted to meet first thing tomorrow morning….I’m on pins and needles waiting for the morning to come.

So here’s the website (NSFW) that I shared, what do you think?

Ok, I’m kidding, I didn’t show that website, I showed this one instead, how boring!  But wouldn’t that first site have been GREAT to demo.


Anonymous said...

Damn, I thought that was going to be another "Michael gets kicked out" story!

Anonymous said...

WOW - I didn't know you get a free somethin' somethin' when you order! [clapping]

Anonymous said...

Please tell us...what happened??

Anonymous said...

Oh, one more thing...check out Funny.

Michael Lehet said...

Ms. Mac - that was where I was going with this post...but I couldn't do it, even THAT is too unbelievable! I may be getting good at getting kicked out of places, but I don't want to get kicked out of my job!

TSK - That's too mild for me!

Anonymous said...

I totally didn't get it. I'm lame, I know.