Monday, May 12, 2008

A least he watched the whole thing!

I just need one more to make the trifecta of gay bashing.

Remember last year when I had the Trifecta of getting kicked out/off of things? HERE First it was YouTube that deleted my account and then it was the grocery store, the movie theater and finally the cemetery. Wow, and that was just a year ago.

So apparently I need to go through a Trifecta Annually, because I just got Hate Crimed on YouTube.

And all because of my mad-girl crush on Miley Cyrus and making videos of me lip syncing to her songs, I mean come on, really.

A rather lovely gentleman on YouTube kindly pointed out today that I was a "Fat Fag......."

You should go check out the conversation

So first I'm getting gay bashed in my neighborhood and on the interwebs, what's left? I just need one more for the perfect trifecta of gay bashing!


The Sour Kraut said...

He's probably some 12-year-old red neck punk raised to hate by his dad and doesn't recognize talent when he sees it. ; )

Bigezbear said...

Honey, you ain't fat. I know fat, and you ain't it.

Michael Lehet said...

TSK - Yeah, I'm sure. Maybe I'll look him up next year when we're in Amsterdam...

Glenn - Why thank you sir!

Andrea Knapp said...

You are just too famous for some people apparently....

I mean really Micheal. What do you think you are doing? All this enjoying yourself and doing whatever you feel like doing and being good at it in a world where - amazingly - it's allowed?

It's not right and I want you to put a stop to it RIGHT NOW!!!! :-)

Fat? Yeah, I wish I was that fat! LOL

Ms Mac said...

Why oh why is YouTube such a hotbed of low-life scumbag mouth-breathers with no idea of English? I wouldn't mind some of the comments I'd had on my videos if they'd been spelled correctly with at least a minimum amount of time spent on checking the grammar.

Stupid cunts.

Anonymous said...

You ain't fat, honey, and even if you were we'd still love you. And it certainly sounds like Mr. "Killa" has some issues goin' on there, sistah.

Jelly said...

andi said:
"I mean really Micheal. What do you think you are doing? All this enjoying yourself and doing whatever you feel like doing and being good at it in a world where - amazingly - it's allowed?"

I second that, Michael. How dare you enjoy yourself! Be sullen! And mean. Be sullen and mean immediately!

Orrrrrr not.
Don't worry about the haters. If someone's got to go around shitting all over someone else they surely have some serious self esteem issues. I don't understand people who feel threatened by joy.

You make me happy.

Bigezbear said...

"... people who feel threatened by joy."

I like that. I like that a lot. Unfortunately, we see that a lot, too, don't we? What a sad, pathetic lot.

Michael Lehet said...

Andi - I can't stop, I just have too much happiness inside of me! I'll try to limit myself!

Ms. Mac - I agree, if you're going to call someone out, at least be intelligent enough to use Spell Check!

Voenix - I always figure that if people aren't happy with themselves they've got to attack others to make themselves feel better.

Jelly - I won't be Sullen, I can't be! {{shaking fists in the air}}. And I totally agree with you as "I don't understand people who feel threatened by joy." I just want to have fun!!!!!

Glenn - I second you!

Ice John's World said...

Michael, "Delete" is your best friend for those stupid comments!

Michael Lehet said...

Ice John - You know, that was my first instict, but then I thought: If I do that then no one will get the opportunity to see how stupid and ignorant this person really is. Plus it's my little way of getting back at him for being a hatemonger - letting the world (well ok, the .0001% of the population that's seen my video) see who he really is.

Anonymous said...

I had one blog visitor who insisted leaving rude and inappropriate comments. At first I just hit delete, but he kept coming back, like something from NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. I finally figured out I could block his I.P., and voila! Problem solved. I'm sure Flickr doesn't have that option, so your best course would probably just to delete his ass until he gets tired of putting the crap back in. Just my 2-cents...