Saturday, October 22, 2005

Getting Ready for Halloween - The Shoes

Originally uploaded by mlehet.
I just found these shoes at Target this morning. You've got to love the Red Dot Boutique.

They were only $9, and not bad because they are "Hello Kitty"

The great thing about these shoes is that there is no left or right, both shoes are exactly the same, a little odd!


Kat said...

Cute shoes. I love Target!

Xmichra said...

maybe they were a miss match so they got shuffled down to red dot as MISFITS!! you are saving misfits! how gentelmanly!!
I have an over active imagination.. heh.

Michael Lehet said...

Xmichra, I will have you know (giggle) that I paid full price for those Hello Kitty shoes...they were even still tied together when I brought them home : -)

I don't like that you insinuate that I buy mark down shoes....I did that with the dress! LOL!