Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The NRA wants me.

Dear NRA,

Yesterday in the mail I received my "2005 National Gun Owner's Action Survey", I'd like to say Thank You for sending me this because I can now see how biased your organization is.

First of all, how did you get my name and address? I'm a city dwelling homosexual, do you really think that I own a rifle? I swear I'm gonna tell Reader's Digest to stop selling my name.

I really like the way that you worded some of the questions, just enough to get people riled up.

1) Do you agree that the 2nd amendment of our US Constituation guarantess your individual right to own a gun? - Well if you think that then give me a gun for free. Plus, weren't we at war with England when the Constitution was written, didn't we need to defend ourselves?

7) Do you agree with certain government officials who want to ban hunting on public lands? - Who ARE these "certain" government officials, is it a town council member in podunk or is it a congressman? Why can't you tell us who these "certain" government officals are?

8) Do you believe that gun owners should be required to submit to "safety training" by government bureaucrats before they're allowed to exercise their 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. - Oh I see, you'd rather have uninformed people handling guns, yeah that's smart. The same type who send you $30 a year to be members of your organization.

9) Do you think law-abiding gun owners like yourself are...I'm gonna stop there, how do you know I'm law-abiding? Are you keeping records of your own? You must be!

14) Will you join the NRA today? - Thank you, no, I'll decline.

Oh, and here was the best part:

Contributions, gifts or membership dues made or paid to the National Rifle Association of America are not refundable or transferable and are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

So, once you join, your a member whether you like it or not cuz you're not getting your money back.....and you can't deduct it because it's not a non-profit organization like the Red Cross.


The Big Finn said...

Check out I think it gives a pretty good argument as to what the drafters were thinking when they wrote the 2nd ammendment. I have to believe that there is a major difference between the right to form "a well regulated militia..." and the N.R.A.'s fairly loose interpretation. But hey...I guess that's just my opinion.
Interestingly, Switzerland requires all "able-bodied" males to serve in the military until they're something like 40 years old. I think everyone of these guys has a military rifle in their home, and there is VERY LITTLE gun violence here. However, these men are very highly trained and have to go serve every year for a couple of weeks to keep their skills current. It's quite a different situation from somebody going into a gun shop in the U.S. and buying a gun with very minimal (if any) training.

Robin said...

Can you say PROPOGANDA???

Kat said...

Well, here in the south if you ain't gotta gun, there must be something wrong with ya.

Sometimes I wish I was a yankee.

I think if you buy a gun you should have to go through a safety course, or prove you have already been in one. There should also be a limit on how many guns each Bubba is allowed to own.

Ms Mac said...

I was so disappointed in Charlton Heston....

I'll never look at Ben Hur in quite the same way again!

sands of time said...

You'd think after all the gun violence they'd want to discourage people from owing guns.

Rob7534 said...

I love your open letter to the NRA Michael. You should send them back their hopefully "prepaid" envelope with a bunch of loose paper scraps. SO they pay for it anyway!

Michael Lehet said...

Damn it Rob, why are you SO SMART?!

Karen said...

Ha! I definitely think that you should send it back to them in their prepaid envelope. As you can imagine, being a good Canadian, I have lots to say about gun control and ownership. Here in Brazil there is a national referendum next week on whether there should be control on gun sales.

Mr. Urs said...

I'm Swiss and therefore used to handle guns. So far, I got into trouble only once, when I was a small boy. I was shooting into a pan in the hen yard because I liked the sound of the ricochet shots. The hens got all nervous and stopped laying eggs for a couple of days. This was the hint to my mother that something happened and she told me a lesson. I was supposed to shoot the birds steeling the cherries and not to frighten the hens.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd amendment was promulgated to protect the citizenry from our own government... we should all be allowed bazookas and tactical nuclear weapons! ...and you want handgun training...