Friday, October 07, 2005

Moving On

A woman went to Church one afternoon and was struck with the impassioned feeling that she should become a nun.

So she applied to the Mother Superior who accepted her but told her that to prove herself she would have to take a vow of silence. No problem the woman said and that was the last thing she said.

Five years go by and the Mother Superior calls the young Nun into her chambers, she tells her that she's been an excellent nun thus far and can break her vow of silence, but only with two words. The Nun thinks for a moment and says "Food Cold" The Mother Superior tells her that she'll correct the problem.

Five more years pass and again the Mother Superior calls her in and gives her the option to say two words, this time the nun says "Bed Hard" The Mother Superior tells her that she'll correct the problem.

Five more years pass and again the Mother Superior calls the nun into her cloisters. She tells the nun that she can again break her vow of silence, but only with two words. The Nun looks at her, thinks for a moment and says "I Quit"

The Mother Superior looks at her and says "Well of course you do, all you've done since you've gotten here is bitch bitch bitch."

1 comment:

Rob7534 said...

HA!! cold food, hard bed's, NO SEX. I might bitch alot too!!

Oh by the way, the friend in the last post, who still owe's you money, it's probably worth it if he avoids you, and you never see him again? Maybe. And whenever I'm stuck in a group of straight guys, it is inevitable that the topic will turn to sports and sex. Both topics I just stay MUM on, and let them pontificate away.

Oh, and PS. Where did you go to get your facial!?!? I want to go too!! I am so looking for a male salon, didn't realize there was one in chicago!! If you still have the info, I'd love to check it out. Thanks.
