Monday, October 24, 2005

Getting Ready for Halloween - Shaving

Now I wouldn't be a very convincing Drag Queen with facial hair would I? Since this is the first official drag queen incident, we have decided that we're going to shave and do it as close to right as we can, we're still gonna be scary though.

Here's Michael getting ready to take the clippers to his face.

He couldn't shave it all off to start with, he doesn't want to be naked all this week.


Kat said...

Go ahead, shave it!

btw, is that a tatoo?

Xmichra said...

Don't be afraid! you can do it!

I was freaked after cutting my hair for a costume idea. Its not like a change in your life, its a DAY. So I get the nerves.

Nice necklace btw.

Nickle Annie said...

Ohhhh Michael you are so hot! You look almost exactly like my first serious boyfriend and I still have the hots for him too! (you know what they say about your first) :)