Thursday, May 04, 2006


Has anyone else noticed that when you go channel surfing during commercials the only thing you can find are commercials?!?

Since the networks are trying to run "longer segments" they're all timing out together so that when one is on commercial break they ALL are.

I just did some channel surfing during American Inventor and NBC, CBS, UPN and FOX were all running commericals as well....and now that my program is back on, so are the others....this sucks!!!


Rob7534 said...

I have a suspician that DirectTV runs more commerials through their service than cable!

I hate them!

Mr. Urs said...

Another reason, why I don't miss my telly.

Andrea Knapp said...

Hence my reasoning for taping EVERYTHING and then just racing through the commercials.

I HATE commercials especially for the reason you give above. Flip and flip all you want but you'll be lucky to find anything worth watching....

Xmichra said...

I like commercials. I know, i am weird.

Kat said...

Gone are the days you could watch two shows at once.

Rob may have a point too, but you don't have cable or dish, do you?

Michael Lehet said...

Andi - You need to get TiVO, The Boyfriend's roomie got it and I LURV IT!

Gomad - Here's how I feel about my TV "I wish I knew how to quit you"

XM - I like them too...especially the clever ones.

Kat - I am cable and dish free

Andrea Knapp said...

Michael - I have DVR! Only the best thing ever invented - like, EVER!!!!!!