Saturday, May 27, 2006

World's Oldest Female Stripper

A friend just sent me a picture....I can't post it....but if you'd like to see the World's Oldest Female Stripper, let me know and I'll forward a copy of the picture to you.

It's like a train wreck, you know you really shouldn't look at it, you know you should feel bad (because after all it is a train wreck) but there's just something fascinating about it all the same.

You know it's gotta be good if I can't post it!


Anonymous said...

oh, i totally have to see that!

Ms Mac said...

Oh, go on!

Anonymous said...

you SO need more warnings!! hehe.. this was disgusting, and sickly facinating!

Andrea Knapp said...

like you need to ask!!! send it to me!!!

gammagoblin said...

It cant be any more of a train wreck than the tranny video you posted about months back.

You know what they say: The older the violin the sweeter the tune :)

Andrea Knapp said...

There I was thinking it was going to be one of those trick things, like I'd be expecting a picture of an old lady but get to see a picture of a tin of 1930's paint stripper.

Unfortunately, I would have preferred to see the tin coz Michael, that was nasty. It put G off women for life!

CanadianSwiss said...

Okay, now I'm all curious! Send it over :)

CanadianSwiss said...

Is she dead, or alive?? So tell me, where can I get the stockings? OrangeX loved them (not)! ;-)

Michael Lehet said...

CS - The answer is Yes and Yes, oh those were stockings?