First she's driving along in her Mini Cooper Convertible (with the top down) and she is being a good mommy actually putting Sean Preston in a car seat in the back seat....but isn't he facing THE WRONG WAY?

Then look at this.....not only is she pregnant, but she's carrying a drink AND her baby at the same time....oops stumble and what does she keep her hands on? The drink, not the baby!

Thank goodness she has a bodyguard to follow her around everywhere she goes!
Hey Michael - totally off subject, but I wanted to tell you, I got a new stapler yesterday. It staples so smooth and silky, I'm just beside myself. It was great to throw my rickety old stapler in the trash!
The whole experience just made me think of you. Seeing as you geek over office supplies, I just thought you'd appreciate that. ;)
How've you been? I've been scarce lately in blogland - I need to catch up here :)
Poor Skanky Britney. I do feel sorry for her. The baby is not necessarilf facing the wrong way. My babies faced forward from the age of 6months or so. He could probably do with a bit of neck support though. The very worst thing she has done wrong here is failinf to protect her babe from the sun in the back of that convertible. tut tut!
Technically his seat should be facing backwards until he is one. That's the new rule here anyway, I believe it is different state by state. However, I'd bet loads of money the seat wouldn't fit that way in that adorable, yet tiny car. BUY AN SUV BRIT!
I kinda feel sorry for her. I'm glad the press didn't follow me around after my first was born. New mother's always do something stupid!
Thank you CHG!
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