Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

The Boyfriend and I went to see Brokeback Mountain on Monday.

I'm not going to review the movie because there are hundreds, if not thousands of reviews out there already.

What surprised me was that it was only playing in a few theaters here in Chicago and when we arrived at the theater (we caught the 12:30 show) it was mostly women and middle-aged couples. Yes there were several gay boys there (us included) but we were in the minority.

The movie was cinematically beautiful, the vistas, the mountains, the scenery but it was slow. So slow that I really wanted to close my eyes and take a nap (remember the last time I took a nap was during Capote - but I wasn't feeling well then, this time I was at full speed). Also, I wish that Heath Ledger would spit whatever was in his mouth out and annuciate his words, I swear he mumbled throughout the entire film it was distracting.

I thought that Ang Lee's visual representation was amazing but the story was sort of lacking. I guess coming out at a young age (21) I wasn't filled with angst over doing something that I knew I couldn't do.

What did I take away from this movie? Do what makes you happy!

All I will say is - go see it if it's playing in your town. We were glad we saw it, not excited that we saw it, just glad.

***SPOILER*** Ok, I'm a big baby and I cry at movies, but towards the end when Heath goes to Jake's parents house and finds the shirt....this guy that was sitting behind us was sobbing....not crying...but sobbing with all of the chest heaves and everything. Apparently it touched something within her but I thought it was funny (I giggled to myself). I know I'm going to hell....


Nickle Annie said...

I had to giggle at the going to hell comment. I'm right there with ya babe!

Kat said...

I had to google just to find out what movie you were talking about. It is only in one theater here and it was just realeased a month ago.

I giggled at the going to hell comment too!

Xmichra said...

I saw the previews for that film and decided right away to never watch it. I am sorry, but Heath Ledger sucks monkey balls. And If I am breaking someones heart saying that.. well I would love to say I am sorry, but I simply am not. He can't talk!! What is wrong with that guy?? He must have failed in his voice projection class. DUDE. OH, and was I the only one who noticed that the same damn actores were in the Order and a knights tale?? AND to make it even WORSE the chick was wearing THE SAME COAT!! Could you not spring for a new budget??? GAH.

But I am totally thrilled that you and the boyfriend got to spend some time together. Next time just get frisky in the theatre if the plot is to slow.. way more fun than sleeping!! *wink*

Angela said...

Love your thoughts about the movie :-)I agree, Do What Makes Ya Happy..Great blog btw..

The Big Finn said...

Do a Google search for "cowboys are my weakness" and you'll see a NY Times/International Herald Tribune article written by Larry David (of Curb Your Enthusiasm fame). It's a VERY funny article explaining why he refuses to go see the movie.

Michael Lehet said...

TBF - a friend forwarded that to me a few hours ago, it is hilarious!

a soul deranged said...

I dont get to go out very often to the movies. When Titanic was in the theaters. my mom dragged me to it. I didn't care for the whole damn love story. I went to see how well they historicly depectied it. My mom hit me because I kept giggling when people started to cry. When Leo died. . .I cheered and then got hit harder. LOL.I am the ending wasn't a surprize. The boat sank.

When we went to go see the Passion of the Jesus I was deffently going to go to hell. LOL. I had just watched Life of Brian. I went in so My mom could have someone to help her understand the movie. I was soooooo bored. I read the book so the ending of the movie wasn't a surprize to me. When they crusified him I started to hum "All ways Look on the Bright Side of Life". . .Realized what I was doing started to giggle. The woman behind us saw me do this and she stared to sob even more.

So if you are going to hell. I will be right there with you. Giggling all the way.

Michael Lehet said...

Soul - if I get there first I'll have a martini waiting for you!

a soul deranged said...

Whoot! I all about that.