Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Lost The TV Series

I’m watching the new episode of Lost I can’t believe I’m being such a geek about this show, it’s too funny because I know tomorrow a co-worker and I are going to sit for a half hour and talk through the whole episode…I wonder if I should start taking notes.

It’s really the only show I watch and there’s a commercial on right now.

One thing bugs me, why doesn’t Jack’s hair grow?  They’ve been on the island for 49 days and Sawyer got a hair cut last week and Michael is looking like a wild man but Jack’s hair is perfect.


Ms Mac said...

Because Jack is perfect!


Michael Lehet said...

Apparently after last nights episode he isn't so perfect....poor critter.

Kat said...

Am I the only person that doesn't really like Jack? I'm hoping Kate picks Sawyer! He's all yummy in a bad boy way!

Michael Lehet said...

Kat - I don't really like Jack because he's "too heroish" and Sawyer is too much of a rebel, usually when Jacks story comes on I sort of tune out....hmmm although last night when they showed him getting into bed, I must say he looked a bit yummy.

Lex said...

I know why doesn't his hair grow??? And why hasn't Hurley shed any pounds???

I do the same, watch it then have a lengthly conversation the next day at work about it.

(Hurley is my favorite)

Robin said...

I don't care for Jack either. He's too much of a do-gooder.

Did you notice when the Others were handing over Kate, the head guy asked "alex" to give Kate to him. Could it be Rousseau's son???

Hubby and I are such total geeks for this show!!!

Rob7534 said...

What is this God-Forsaken show you are all RAVING about!?!?

Am I the only sane one left in this planet? I don't know what you guys are talking about!

I'm in Twillight Zone here.

clew said...

I've noticed that too. What's up with that! Where's the REALISM!?

Michael Lehet said...

Robin - You are probably ABSOLUTELY right.

Rob - I wouldn't say we're 'raving' (that is unless there are glowsticks somewhere) because I obviously missed a VERY important clue and didn't think anything about it....I'm a bad tv watcher...bad I tell ya...I should be spanked.

LOST is a very engaging program is all I can say...but I wouldn't say we're Raving - Where's the Party!?!? Where's the Party!? (That's Madonna if you didn't know - they play her at Rave's - or at least the last time I went to a Rave)

Robin said...

I have to constantly remind hubby of the concept of "willing suspension of disbelief" when we are watching LOST. He's always raving (there's that word again!) about where they get the pitch for their torches, and how can they possibly have enough tarps and coverings for all those fancy tents they live in??? If it were truly realistic, we'd all probably not be watching it...

bubbles said...

ok so I know this is a little late...and I am sorry for that, but I LOVE lost! and I do have to agree about the hair thing on Jack. Umm ok I could go on and on about this but I won't! Kat sent me by the way!