Sunday, April 23, 2006

Having a Chat Show

Yesterday was all about Chat Shows.

No, not the chat shows you see on TV ala Tyra "I'm Terrified" Banks or Tony "My career is over" Danza, the kind of chat shows you have with your girlfriends!

Yesterday I had a Walk & Chat Show with my friend Arlene, we used to work together and everyday we would have a little chat about current events, theater, music, etc. We haven't seen each other in a while so I met her after Jazzercise and we went for a nice leisurely walk and ended up having coffee and talking about everything and nothing. We're both big theater buffs so we critique (in our own unprofessional manner) how the shows have been, what movies are out and what books she and Dave are both reading right now. (btw I need to tell you about the Time Traveler's Wife and Geisha). We had a nice long coffee (I had iced tea) and a Chat Show. Then we walked BACK to where we met originally (about a 3 mile round trip).

Then as though I weren't a glutton enough for punishment I decided I need to walk some more. So I came home rested up and then called my friend Art (who, you might want to know, has has received two entries by Andi and now has one from me, and doesn't even have a blog, that Bitch. Art get's more hits per day than I get in a week!) and asked if he wanted to go for cake at Sweet Occasions (I knew he did that's his kryptonite). When I called, his Boyfriend answered the phone, since I knew he was on a diet I quickly asked to talk to Art so I wouldn't have to explain why I was calling. If Art wanted sweets he was going to have to get out of the house on his own. So I walked over to meet him in Andersonville (about a 2 mile round trip). He got a Triple Layer Chocolate Cake with ganache icing and I had a slice of Coconut Cake we gorged ourselves on cake and gossip.

I came home after that, ordered some Thai food and passed out. I think I fell asleep about 8:30, yes that's 8:30 on a Saturday Night. Please don't tell anyone, otherwise I'll have to return my gay card and toaster oven).

But hey, I did walk about 5 miles yesterday with lots of talk, shopping and cake in between!

I wish you lived closer, imagine the chat shows we could have!


Anonymous said...

I would love to walk and chat with you one day Michael!! Sounds like you had a very lovely day, I am very happy for you!

Andrea Knapp said...

Michael, I was there in spirit with you and heard every word you both said!

Art deserves to be mentioned!

Andrea Knapp said...

oh, and what about The Time Travellers Wife and Geisha?

CanadianSwiss said...

You've been keeping fit, so you probably deserved the cake ;-) And if you fell asleep at 8:30, then your body needed it. Saturday or not!