Friday, April 07, 2006

What I learned today

I'm a big proponet of learning something new each day. You can learn something new by reading a newspaper or learning how to do a new task in Excel, but you should try to learn something new everyday.

Here's what I learned today:

- If you have grey hair, you should not wear low-rise jeans
- If you have grey hair, you should not wear low-rise jeans without underwear
- If you have grey hair, you should not wear low-rise jeans without underwear if you're a man.

I've learned enough today, I'm going to bed!


Anonymous said...

blogger likes to eat my comments.

I have been meaning to tell you I like your new blurb up top there.

Oh, and that rule should apply to overweight women too. heh.

CanadianSwiss said...

So... Where (how) did you learn that?? In the paper, magazine, or just a bad experience? :-)

I agree with Xmichra and I could add a couple more where that rule should apply.

Mrs. TBF said...

I have another one...please all you overweight women out one wants to see the top of your thong underwear...and no one wants to think about the fact that you're even wearing thong underwear because you are so large! Sorry, I had to say that.
BTW...I like your new photo.

Karen said...

If only the rest of the world could learn this as well!

Michael Lehet said...

CS - It was just a bad bad I've tried to block it from my mind.

Mrs. TBF - I TOTALLY agree with you. Now not that there's anything wrong with BBW (they certainly have their following) but the rest of us do not want to even imagine that you're wearing thong underwear. But you know it may have been granny panty's that just got stretched out to become a thong....

CanadianSwiss said...

Michael- I love the new photo,but why is it that you always have to have someting in your mouth?? On second thought, forget it ;-)

Michael Lehet said...

CS/Mrs. TBF - Thank you for the compliment.

CS - You would think that I have an oral fixation wouldn't you? But I don't?!? I don't know why it works out that way. I guess I'm hiding behind it.

Anonymous said...

Ummmmm I'm old and gray haired and I wear low rise jeans without underwear... ummmmm shouldn't I??

Michael Lehet said...

Well George that's a question you have to ask yourself : -)

The Big Finn said...

What about men with grey hair...who shave it all off? Are we...I mean, they...allowed to wear low-rise jeans? With underwear, of course!

Michael Lehet said...

TBF - That doesn't count then.