Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone had a pleasant Christmas Holiday and you got everything you wished for.

We had a very lazy Christmas Day, sleeping in and going to The Boyfriends Mom's for Christmas.

It was very exciting to watch his 6 year old son (who still believes in Santa) open presents that Santa had dropped off at 4 different locations! Can you believe that, he was having a ball.

We had a wonderful dinner (although I am have totally eaten my Ham quotient this year).

I'm not a ham fan at all, I usually only eat it at Easter which was the only time my Mom really made it. Well we had it last night for Christmas Eve Dinner and for Christmas Dinner, no more ham for Mikey.

Christmas Eve was a blast, I have a very good friend who got a job of a lifetime, but it means that he and his partner have to move to Rhode Island, they leave next week. So they hosted a dinner party at their home thta was spectacular! There were 10 of us there, 2 of which were parents to a guest. We enjoyed copious amounts of wine and told many many jokes over dinner. We had smart, witty dinner conversation, like I imagine adults would do on a regular basis if we weren't always driving through Wendy's for dinner.

The Parents were quite fun and very open to all of the gayity around them, Mom in fact got many many zingers out during dinner, we loved her!

As we were leaving and I was giving my hosts a hug goodbye (because I know it will be a long time before I see them again) I whispered in his ear "I'm so lucky, I get to say 'I knew him when,' I've never been able to do that before."

I had so much fun I had to stop and get my car this morning becuase I couldn't drive it home last night.

The Boyfriend got me some amazing stationery (which he said he got by reading here, So Shout Out's to him). He also got me the gift that keeps on giving........season tickets to the Broadway In Chicago theater series, check out the things we're going to see this year. I got some other wonderful presents as well.

I hope you got everything you wished for and more than you could ever need!

Here's a funny parody video of the Madonna's - Hung Up, check it out, it'll make you giggle.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Sounds like you had a great time! You were right, the video did make me giggle. But one of the "girls" needed a shave. lol